Biografi Singkat
Biografi Singkat

Eldwin Pradipta
Karya-karya Eldwin menjelajahi instalasi video dan proyeksi digital sebagai medium. Baginya, semua itu menempati posisi menarik karena terbentang antara seni tinggi dan seni rendah. Karya-karya awalnya berfokus kepada kehidupan masyarakat atau seni rendah di Indonesia, ketika disejajarkan dengan objek dan praksis seni tinggi. Kehidupan masyarakat adalah latar belakang dan tema penting dalam karya-karyanya sudah sejak awal.
Belakangan Eldwin berfokus kepada seni interaktif yang mengeksplorasi hubungan antara karya seni dan khalayak penikmatnya. Tema-tema ini mempersoalkan kembali bagaimana pengaruh, tidak terkecuali dari seniman, menentukan hasil karya seni yang bersangkutan. Eldwin juga tertarik menguji seberapa jauh mesin, komputer, dan AI, bisa “merasa” sebagaimana umumnya manusia.
Eldwin dilahirkan di Jakarta, 17 Mei 1990, dan kini tinggal dan bekerja di Bandung. Ia menamatkan pendidikan seni rupanya di Program Studi Studio Seni Intermedia, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung, pada 2013. Pada 2023, karyanya menjadi pemenang “Art Jakarta x Treasury Art Prize” di Arte Jakarta x Treasury, Jakarta. Sebelumnya, ia meraih penghargaan “Young Artist Award” di ARTJOG 2014. Ini adalah dua dari delapan penghargaan yang ia terima dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir. Eldwin juga menjadi seniman mukiman “Makan Angin #3” di Rumah Seni Cemeti, Yogyakarta, pada 2015.
Karya-karyanya juga tampil di ruang publik, dalam pameran dan pesanan. Misalnya, instalasi LED karyanya “Is This Artwork in the Room with Us Right Now?” terpasang di lobi kantor Treasury, Trembesi Building, Tangerang Selatan, pada 2023. Juga pada pameran bersama Abstraction/Distinction di Galeri Semarang pada 2024, dan sejumlah pameran bersama lainnya sejak 2009.
Karya Seni
Deskripsi Karya
This series of works create an interactive experience in which the artist relinquishes control over the final composition of an artwork, placing this authority in the hands of the audience.
The works draws a parallel between this act and a common occurrence that the artist observes in the art industry, in which an artist’s control over his creation is diminished when (seemingly) invisible forces within the artistic trade assume power. These forces within the ecosystem actively manipulate the performance and success of artworks and artists – rendering the artist’s authority an illusion.
In this works, audience in exhibition room became subject, object, and center piece. Representing artworld that has significant value over an artwork. This statement become more relevant during previous pandemic situation, where physical exhibition is very rarely happened and we realize that at some degrees an artwork can’t really “work” without audience looking at it directly.
Deskripsi Karya
This series of works create an interactive experience in which the artist relinquishes control over the final composition of an artwork, placing this authority in the hands of the audience.
The works draws a parallel between this act and a common occurrence that the artist observes in the art industry, in which an artist’s control over his creation is diminished when (seemingly) invisible forces within the artistic trade assume power. These forces within the ecosystem actively manipulate the performance and success of artworks and artists – rendering the artist’s authority an illusion.
In this works, audience in exhibition room became subject, object, and center piece. Representing artworld that has significant value over an artwork. This statement become more relevant during previous pandemic situation, where physical exhibition is very rarely happened and we realize that at some degrees an artwork can’t really “work” without audience looking at it directly.